Word sense disambiguation features for taxonomy extraction

Daniil Alexeyevsky


Many NLP tasks, such as fact extraction, coreference reso-
lution and alike, rely on existing lexical taxonomies or ontologies. One
of possible ways to create a lexical taxonomy is to extract taxonomic re-
lations from monolingual dictionary or encyclopedia: a semi-formalized
resource designed to contain many such relations. Word-sense disam-
biguation (WSD) is a mandatory tool in such approaches. Quality of
extracted taxonomy greatly depends on WSD results. Most WSD approaches can be formulated as machine learning task. For this sake feature representation ranges from collocation vectors as in Lesk

algorithm or neural network features in word2vec to highly specialized
vector sense representation models such as AdaGram. In this paper we
apply several WSD algorithms to dictionary dentions. Our main focus
is on inuence of dierent approaches to extract WSD features from
dictionary denitions on WSD performance.


word sense disambiguation, taxonomy extraction, vector semantics

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