Monte Carlo Simulation for the Domino Game

Benjamin Moreno Montiel, Carlos Hiram Moreno Montiel, Jonathan Ignacio Alfaro Pérez, Gustavo Fernando Domínguez Sánchez, René MacKinney Romero


This paper shows the results obtained through statistical simulation, or Monte Carlo method to decide which type of strategy is the most appropriate to carry out a popular chip game called Dominoes. The Dominoes is a chip game with a couple of numbers ranging from zero (white), to six, in which the objective is to draw several seven chips on the table according to a set of rules. The Dominoes is a random game, cannot be always make sure you have the same result, much less know what odds we will have to win or lose a game, in this case it depends on what type of strategy is used to carry out the game . In this paper we will show some of the most used strategies to start the game, as well as to develop the game. The Monte Carlo Simulation is used to determine the best of these strategies and thus have a statistical basis to determine the behavior of this game. Based on these statistical tests, we will finalize this paper by showing that the strategy for the beginning of the game does not affect the behavior of the game and we will show that the best strategy found is the so-called "Tirar la ficha más acompañada".


Terms artificial intelligence, dominoes, game strategies, matlab, Monte Carlo

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